A repeat of last year's banner striper run. We are catching bass of all sizes - big overs, slots and unders on live bait, jigs and top water.There has been so much bait in the water between bunker and sand eels and the whales are providing a show on every trip. Gotta love the Fall Run.
Bonito and mahi provided fun light tackle action during the late summer months and provided a nice change of pace from the typical bottom fishing we are usually doing at the time.
The local inshore tog bite was very good. Both in terms of quantity and quality. Many customers caught over 50+ fish on each trip on both conventional rigs and jigs. All fish caught on green crabs.
The trigger fish were chewing late August into September on the local reefs, wrecks and rockpiles.
After a slow start to the ocean fluke scene, the bite has picked up in terms of quantity and quality. I've been fishing the 50-80' drops. Bucktauls, hi-low rigs, GULP and fresh fish bait have all been producing.
Fishing is excellent on the local wrecks, reefs and rock piles. Fish hitting both bait and jigs.
As soon as the calendar hit May 4th, the fluke fishing in the bay has been red hot. Nice sized flatties coming up on every trip. Plenty of 3-5lb sized fish. The biggest of the month was Dennis' fine 8lb fluke that hit a chartruse poison tail teaser. The key has been chartruse/green teasers (poison tails have been fluke candy) and small chartruse GULP minnows. Then tip the hook with small local spearing. The fluke early on are gorging themselves on grass shrimp and spearing, so you match the hatch.
Like clockwork, every May the big gator blues enter our back bays providing fun angling opportunities on light tackle. This year has been no exception.
The April bite got off to a late start due to the cold water resulting in a lethargic bite to start the month. But as the weeks went on, the toggies started to chew. Found both quantity and quality fish hitting both green and white crabs. The highlight was Timmy O catching his personal best, a nice 13.4lb tog that was released to fight again. We will see these toothie critters again come October.
The epic fall bass run was one for the ages. Fish hitting live bait, jigs and top water plugs. Overs. Unders. And plenty of slot fish for the table.
The Fall blackfishing season is in full swing. Good action with lots of short life and quality keepers. Fishing local reefs, wrecks and rock pilers. The fishing will only get better as the water temps drop - still in high 50's.
Incredible striped bass action right in our own back yard. Big fish to 40+ lbs hitting live bunker as well as top water artificials. There is bait everywhere and tons of marine life too - whales, sharks. More and more slot fish being caught as the migration from east to west contunues. Epic bite.
The ocean fluke bite was excellent through the month of August/early September fishing depths ranging from 50-90' However, the offshore storms and resulting big ocean heave (which occur like clockwork in September), will have the flatties start their fall migration to deeper water. The bay fluking in September is usually very good as the fish gather by the inlets and main channels before they head out towards the ocean. The presence of bait in the bays bodes well for this fishery.
The bay and inlet are loaded with bait (spearing and peanut bunker) as a result the bluefish have invaded the inshore waterways gorging themselves on these bait fish. Fish ranging from cocktail size to 5/6# class fish. In the ocean, we've seen the best bonito run we've had in years. Fun light tackle action.
Another Summer full of family fun adventures on the Sea Rogue. Trips ranged from fishing the bay for fluke and blues to hitting the local reefs for non-stop action with the sea bass, scup and more. Fun times were had by all.
The summer ocean fluke bite is taking shape. Fish have infiltrated the local structure. I'm fishing rough bottom from 50' - 80' of water. There is lots of short life to keep the rods bent all day. Plenty of keepers and boat limits to keep everyone happy. Bigger fish are moving in. August should be a banner month.
The local bottom fish scene is in full swing with the uisual suspects being caught on wrecks, reefs and rockpiles....sea bass, scup and triggerfish. Fun non-stop action and delicious table fare. Fun fishing!!!